// GRACE: rotations


rotations is a textured, squishy blend of electronic, field recording, folk, choral and soulful sounds, exploring archetypes and woven with myth + meaning. 

grace is a facilitator, cross-disciplinary artist and mentor working with people, sound, images and nature.

@graceattlee graceattlee.com


Grace - Rotations - 009 - 02.25


Hiroshi Yoshimura - Surround 

kukuku - CHOO CHOO Gatagotto

Kofi Flexxx - Increase Awareness feat. ganavya

Jatoma - track unknown 

Anonymous Choir - Tell Me Why 

Mykki Blanko feat Kelsey Lu + ANOHNI - French Lessons

MOIN feat. Coby Sey - We Know What Gives  

Field recording of stand+up comedian 

claire rousay - Good Set 

Duval Timothy feat Vegyn - Like

Fred again.. & Angie McMahon - light dark light 

Salamanda - Purple Punch 

Charlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul - Topical Dancer

Aria Yunior - Salah Tingkah

Alemayehu Eshete - Alemayehu Eshete

Saya Gray - You, a Fool

Hello Skinny - Oh je veux ! 

The Grace Attlee - The Fractory - 008 - 08.24

Grace Attlee - The Fractory - 007 - 06.24

Grace Attlee - The Fractory - 006 - 05.24

Grace Attlee - The Fractory - 005 - 04.24

Grace Attlee - The Fractory - 004 - 03.24

Grace Attlee - The Fractory - 003 - 06.23


Bulgarian State Television Female Choir - Pilentze Pee

Agnes Obel - Poem About Death 

Blood Moon Project - Endless Present I

Jung - Sendimented

Geneveive Dawson - My Mother’s Rage 

Shovel Dance Collective - The Foggy Dew 

OKI / Umeko Ando - Iuta Uopo (Pestle Song)

The Space Lady  - Synthesize Me

The Umlauts - Sweat 

The Bobby Lees - Little Table 

Young Fathers - See How 

BCUC, Saul Williams - Isivunguvungu

Guedra Guedra - The Arc of Three Colours 

Leifur James - Argonaut

Oscar Jerome - Feed the Pigs 

Kelela - Happy Ending 

Grace Attlee - The Fractory - 002 - 05.23


Burd Ellen - Cutty Wren 

Ageline Morrison - Our Captian Cried 

Maria Monti - L’uomo 

Nighttime - The Fool 

Fran Lobo - Brave 

Leslie Winer - N1 Ear 

Laurie Anderson - Let X=X 

Charlotte Adigery, Bolis Pupil - Hey 

Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp - Across the Moor 

Resavoir - Clouds 

Black, Meskerem Mees - Morning in The Jungle 

Leila Martial - le Chemin Le Plus Court 

Ben LaMar Gay - mestre Candeia’s Denim Hat 

Burd Ellen - Coventry Carol 

Grace Attlee - The Fractory - 001 - 04.23


OKI, Olga Letykai Csonka - Hot Love 

Umeko Ando, Andi Otto - Iyomante Upopo

Deep Throat Choir, Marysia Osu - Turning Around 

Rioghnach Connoly - Black is the Colour 

Mira Calix - there is always a girl with a secret 

Yosi Horikawa - Letter 

Dundundun - Anansi 

Nuova Compagnia Di Canto Popolare - Tammurriata Nera 

Brigitte Fontaine, Noir Désir - Bis Baby boum boum 

Pigeon - It’s You 

Stephen Durkan - I want 

Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp - Beginning